Towergate Private School is a social organization where every one must cultivate/imbibe a habit of self-discipline and moral property. However, to facilitate orderliness and compliance in the school, the following rules and regulations have been set for the pupils/students.
Every pupil/student must attend school regularly and punctually, except for illness or permission from the school authority.
School starts at 7:45am each working day and closes at 3pm (Monday – Thursday) and 1pm on Friday.
No pupil/student is permitted to leave the school premises during this period without permission from the school authority.
Lateness to school is prohibited. Defaulters will be punished severely.
School extra hours is between 3:15pm – 5.00. Only pupils/students on transport and those whose parents do not grant their consent are exempted.
Attendance of morning and afternoon assemblies is compulsory for every pupil/student. Irregular attendance and lateness are prohibited.
Pupils/students must be properly dressed and also comport themselves during and after school
It is compulsory for every student to attend the school programmes/activities like sports, club meetings, fellowship, etc promptly. Defaulters will be punished.
Every pupil/student must be of good behaviour at all times. Therefore, the school prohibits every form of misconduct ranging from mild to severe cases.
No pupil/student is allowed to beat or maltreat any other pupil/student.
The use of foul or abusive language is prohibited.
No form of theft – pilfering, stealing, robbery, fraud is entertained in the school.
Refusal to carry out simple/legitimate instructions from teachers is an offence.
Unruly behaviour, distractions, cat-calling, noise-making, loitering and other forms of misbehaviour during classes or special programmes are prohibited.
Littering of the school compound and classrooms with pieces of paper, nylon, plates, cans, sachets, books, sputum, feaces, etc is prohibited. Defaulters will be punished severely.
Eating in the classrooms during lessons is prohibited.
All laboratories, preparatory rooms, workshops and other special rooms are out of bound to pupils/students except with special permission or attendance of a staff who holds the responsibility.
Quarrelling and fighting are prohibited.
All forms of unhealthy relationships in the school are not allowed.
Pupils/students should always maintain orderliness in every school programme, during meals, sports, assemblies, etc.
Pupils/students are not permitted to play/run around the classrooms even during break periods.
Smoking and drinking of alcoholic liquor are prohibited.
It is compulsory for every pupil/student to write all the assignments, class work, tests and examinations which are necessary for evaluation.
Any student/pupil who fails to write notes during class or refuses to do the assignments given to him/her as and when due has committed an offence and is liable for punishment.
Giraffing or cheating during examination or class work is a major offence, and defaulters will be severely punished.
All students must have the prescribed textbooks, workbooks and stationery. The school reserves the right to send defaulting students away from school even after all fees have been paid.
English language is the only authorized medium of communication in the school except during French, Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa or Arabic classes where these are the languages of insruction.
The channels of communication between the pupils/students and the school authority should always be followed.
Complaints from pupils/students should be made to their class teachers. Where necessary pupils in the Nursery/Lower Basic can lay their complaints directly to the Headmaster while the students in the secondary can do same to the Registrar, Vice-Principal or Principal as the case may be.
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